New Year, New Skills! Develop your Management Style with HLA!

This qualification is aimed at those who are currently or aspire to manage and lead a team to achieve organisational objectives. This provides the knowledge & skills for new and existing managers.



Full/Part Funding available


New Year, New Skills! Develop your Management Style with HLA!

Who is it for?

This qualification is aimed at those who are currently or aspire to manage and lead a team to achieve organisational objectives. This provides the knowledge & skills for new and existing managers.

Eligibility Criteria

You must be undertaking a role involved in managing people, a business, or resources. You will be required to create a portfolio of evidence.

How is it delivered?

Participants will study online and attend a series of learning workshops as detailed below. You will have a tutor available to support you throughout the qualification.

What is the time commitment?

We expect candidates to spend 2 to 3 hours per week on their qualification. This will enable you to complete within 12 months. You can go faster if you wish.

What will I learn?
16th FebruaryThe role of the manager & leader 24th AugustBuilding effective work relationships 
16th MarchDeveloping knowledge, skills & competence needed for your role  21st SeptemberSELF STUDY Optional unit relevant to your role  
20th AprilSELF STUDY Optional unit relevant to your role   19th OctoberHealth & Safety in the Workplace
18th MayManaging people’s performance16th NovemberSELF STUDY Optional unit relevant to your role
15th JuneSELF STUDY Optional unit relevant to your role  DecemberTime to complete portfolio
Funding your studies

This qualification can be fully funded, or part funded if you are employed in a role which is relevant to the topic being studied. This is through the government apprenticeship scheme which is available to employees of all ages.

Getting started could not be easier. Contact us and we will check out your eligibility for funding and oversee the process for you. We will manage the paperwork, sign up process and provide you with an induction to get started. Contact us on 01349 853037.

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